Woman wearing bikini and goggles laying in Ergoline Prestige 1600 sunbed, available at Dolled Up salon

Sunbeds and Tanning FAQs

Got questions, or just curious about tanning? Whether it’s spray tans or sunbeds, we’re here to guide you through it all, providing information to ensure a flawless, sun-kissed glow. We're committed to delivering a seamless and informed tanning experience. Step into our salon and leave with not just a beautiful tan, but also the confidence of knowing you've made the right choice for your skin.


  • Exfoliate the night before, shave 24 hours before and do not wear any moisturiser or deodorant on the day.

  • Always wear loose clothing to a spray tan appointment!

  • As long as you follow our aftercare instructions, your tan will last for up to 7 days.


  • You must be 18 years or over. If you look younger than 25, please bring photo ID with you to your visit as you will be asked for it.

  • This varies depending on your skin type, so we can best advise you when you come to the salon. Don’t worry, you are in safe hands!

  • Moderate tanning of 2 to 3 sessions a week is ok, but ensure you rest the skin for a minimum of 24 hours between each session. We advise not to exceed 60 sessions per year.

  • SPF lotions are used to protect your skin from UV light when outdoors. A sunscreen will prevent you from absorbing UV rays from sunlight. However, on a sunbed, the amount of UV exposure you receive is time controlled and limited to avoid skin damage but to also ensure sufficient UV absorption. Therefore, SPF is not required on a sunbed.

  • Whether you are looking to build a tan, or have been recommended UV therapy by your doctor, you can be reassured you are using the safer EU regulation 0.3 compliant tanning equipment at Dolled Up Salon.

    A 0.3 tanning session is a gentler process, delivering the same tanning effect as the mid-day Mediterranean summer sun but without the risk of burning, giving you a deeper, longer lasting tan.

  • Lotions have ingredients and nutrients to prepare your skin for your tanning session and to repair it afterwards by helping combat the ageing process. Without a lotion your skin is dry and the UV rays will reflect, and not penetrate the skin. Lotions hydrates the skin to take the rays. If your skin is dehydrated the sunbeds will suck the moisture it is trying to find leading to ageing the skin. A lotion takes care of this.

  • We have Ergoline’s latest state of the art tanning beds. They are the industries leading #1 worldwide supplier for indoor tanning which offer exceptional design and technology.

    You can find out more about the models we use on our main Tan page.

  • It comes down to personal preference. Do you like to stand while you tan in our Sunrise 488 or would you rather to lay down and relax during your tanning session? You can find out more about our sunbeds here.

  • To get a base tan you will need to come in at least 2 to 3 weeks prior to your holiday, wedding or special occasion and have 2 to 3 sessions a week leaving at least 24, ideally 48 hours between sessions.

    To get maximum benefit from your sessions we highly recommend buying a tanning lotion as it helps prepare the skin and also hydrates it so the UV rays do not reflect off. We can help you choose the best lotion for your session.

  • If you are on any medication or drugs, please check with your GP or pharmacist before using a sunbed as certain drugs make the skin more sensitive to UV light.

  • No, we recommend you do not use sunbeds for at least 6 weeks after having a tattoo. We recommend getting a tanning lotion that protects your tattoo.

  • No, pregnant women are not allowed to use sunbeds.


Get in touch and we’ll be happy to help!

Are you ready to GLOW?